Largest stainless steel ring manufactured in china

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Stainless Steel Ring Forging
Stainless Steel Ring Heat Treatment

On March 12th, using the metal construction forming technology developed by the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the world's largest non-welded monolithic stainless steel ring forgings were rolled successfully.

According to Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the ring is 15.6 meters in diameter and weighs 150 tons. It is the first time to realize the hierarchical construction of a hundred tons of metal billets. This is the world's largest and most weight-forged stainless steel Ring.

Stainless Steel Ring Manufacture and Application

Stainless Steel Ring Lifting

Under the entrustment and support of the China National Nuclear Corporation, the China National Nuclear Corporation established an industry-university research team to apply Taigang's high-purity continuous casting slabs. It was developed into a 1.56-meter-diameter ring forging in Shandong Elite Heavy Industry, which is characterized by an overall weld-free, homogeneous High degree of organization and good organization uniformity. The giant ring will be applied to China's fourth-generation nuclear power unit, and its successful development will effectively guarantee the implementation of major equipment in the nuclear industry in China.

As the core of the fourth generation of nuclear power units in China, the support ring is not only the boundary of the pressure vessel, the safety barrier, but also the structure bears 7,000 tons of weight, which is the "backbone" of the whole stack of containers. In the past, such giant forgings were manufactured by multi-segment small blank welding, which not only has a long processing cycle, high cost, but also weak material structure of the weld position, which poses a safety hazard to the operation of the nuclear power unit.

Stainless Steel Ring Forging Technology

After more than ten years of hard work, the scientific research personnel of the Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed the original metal construction and forming technology and revealed the healing mechanism and organizational evolution mechanism of the construction interface, breaking through the limitations of the large forgings with the idea of “making a large system” and developing Surface activation, vacuum encapsulation, multi-directional forging, hierarchical construction, integral rolling ring and other key technologies completely eliminate the interface between the layers of metal, so that the interface position of the support ring forging is exactly the same as the composition, organization and performance of the base metal. , the realization of the "small system and large" new processing and manufacturing, greatly improving the quality while reducing manufacturing costs.

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