Price Trend of Construction Steel - Steel Coils

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Steel Price Trend

Construction Steel Price:

Today's construction steel prices stopped falling and rebounded. The average price of rebar in major cities was 3,919 RMB/ton, up 6 RMB/ton from the previous trading day. Recently, East China Steel Plant has successively introduced winter storage policies, with most lock-up policies, followed by post-settlement and insured policies. With the continuous implementation of policies, the prices in East China have gradually stabilized and rebounded. The trend is similar to the Northeast and North China regions with earlier policies.
Therefore, this year's winter storage policy boosts the market, self-evident, speculative sentiment and expectation. In addition, the return of the current price difference has repaired the pessimistic expectation of the market in the early stage to a certain extent, and the short-term construction steel price may be oscillating.

Hot-rolled Coils Price:

Today's hot-rolling prices are in a strong trend of volatility, but the overall market is not strong, and the overall range is far from the futures. At present, the order pressure of steel mills has obviously improved. The order problem in January was basically solved. In February, orders were set at 20-30%, but some of them were priced at the end of the month and partially settled. This is not a big problem for the post-holiday market price. Support, so there is a sharp rise before the holiday, and the pressure on the market after the holiday will gradually be reflected.
Therefore, in the later stage, the whole market is still in the stage of risk accumulation. For the year of the year when the demand disappears for 20 days and the inventory is increased, there will be a risk release process. Therefore, the short-term market price will increase and the later pressure will gradually increase.

Cold-rolled coils Price:

Today, the national cold-rolled spot prices rose slightly, and the market transactions performed well. The specific price: the national average price of cold rolling is 4261 RMB / ton, up 4 RMB / ton yesterday, according to business feedback, affected by the rise of futures disk, coupled with the impact of stocking on Friday and part of the year, today's trading volume The overall performance is acceptable. Market mentality: Although the overall performance is good today, the proportion of merchants optimistic about the future is gradually improved, but most of the merchants said that they are mainly shipping before the year.
It is expected that the transaction pressure will gradually increase next week, and the spot price consolidation will be the key factor.

Heavy Plate Price:

Today, the domestic plate market price is stable and strong, the national average price of 20mm board is 3861 RMB / ton, up 7 RMB / ton from the previous trading day. In terms of steel mills, in November and December, due to the poor handling of steel mills, the poor profitability of medium plate, the impact of limited heating production in the heating season, the production of steel plate was slightly reduced, and some market specifications began to shortage. However, the recent orders from steel mills are still acceptable. JY, TZH, PY and LG resumed production. The operating rate of steel mills increased by 7.69% compared with last week. The capacity utilization rate increased by 6.27% from the previous week, and the inventories increased by 3.50%.
On the whole, it is expected that the price of plate will be dominated by high levels next week.

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